– Michael Jordan
If we are not that person, we all know the person who talks the talk, but does not walk the walk. When it came to our addiction, we tended to be people of action. We could find ways to use our drug of choice under the most difficult of circumstances. But when it came to getting sober, we often would talk about how we were going to cut back, keep it under control, or made excuses as to why now wasn’t the right time. We may have rationalized to others that it wasn’t as bad as they thought. Sobriety is an action word. Like the lottery, we have to be in it to win it. Unlike the lottery, anyone can win- as long as they are willing to be action oriented. No one is going to be able to do it for you. It is an undertaking that you have complete control of. Today is a day in which I will talk about sobriety less, and let my actions make it happen. I have what it takes to put forth the effort, and the harder I work at it, the greater the rewards.