“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

Shapes Slideshow

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

-George Addair

Negative emotions when managed effectively can yield positive results. While we may not think of anger or fear as positive emotions, sometimes these emotions can provide a healthy dose of motivation. For example, a smoker who says they have wanted to quit smoking for years goes to the doctor who informs the person that they have found a spot on their lung, and they need to stop smoking immediately if they want to live. The person may immediately find the motivation to quit stemming from the fear of dying. Fear can paralyze you, or it can motivate you as a call to action. Leaving the lifestyle of use has you entering a world you may have never known. That can be a scary adventure, but one that’s worth it. Today, I will stand strong against my fears. I will not allow fear of failure to deprive me of the fruits of my success in recovery. Today I will come to realize that the longer I stay sober, the less scary life becomes.


“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”