“Strive Not To Be A Success, But To Be Of Value.”

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“Strive Not To Be A Success, But To Be Of Value.”

Albert Einstein

Our values in the lifestyle of addiction change who we are. Values like caring about others can go out of the window when we value our drug of choice above all else. We can become obsessed with success, and then justify our use. In recovery, we restore a value system in which the world no longer revolves around us and our drug of choice. Success will be re-evaluated by things like having peace in our lives and restoring relationships.

Today, I will put my healthy values ahead of selfish desires. I will come to link my view of success to my values that are changed as a result of my sobriety. Today I will be a person whose actions match healthy sober values. These values do not come from simply putting down a drink or drug, but when I do the work of recovery that allows for humble changes to occur from within.

Peace of Mind

“Strive Not To Be A Success, But To Be Of Value.”