People need encouragement like plants need water. The ones who need it the most, are the ones who get it the least.

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People need encouragement like plants need water. The ones who need it the most, are the ones who get it the least.

– Rudolf Dreikurs and David Gerber

Plants in Rain

Courage can be defined as the ability to act in the face of something that is difficult or scary. To encourage, is to instill this courage in someone. You have demonstrated courage in addiction. You boldly crossed lines that you swore you would never cross. You can also demonstrate that courage in recovery. Courage is fuel that keeps us going in sobriety.

Sometimes we need to be our own models of self-encouragement if we are going to be successful. It is perfectly alright to pat yourself on the back and feel good about your efforts to stay sober. We can also seek out the encouragement of others. Having people in our corner reminds us that we can do hard things.

Today, be a source of encouragement for yourself and others. Remind yourself that you are living a renewed life. Allow others to be sources of encouragement for you. Take a moment to celebrate what you have accomplished to be where you are today.

People need encouragement like plants need water. The ones who need it the most, are the ones who get it the least.