“Always Remember That You Are Absolutely Unique. Just Like Everyone Else.”

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“Always Remember That You Are Absolutely Unique. Just Like Everyone Else.”

Margaret Mead

The inward journey of addiction is one that takes us to a dark and lonely place. We have a tendency to see ourselves as unique. We may have a tendency to think that if other people knew you like you knew yourself, they would drink or do drugs too. But the truth is that you are just as unique as you think. There are many people who experience the difficulties you have without using. There are still others who have turned to substances to cope, but have learned to give them up and enjoy life despite their difficulties. The first word of Step one of 12-step programs may be the most important word in all of the steps: “We.” It screams how we are more alike than we are different, special and unique. Today, I will work on accepting that the more I see myself as being unique, the more I am probably like hundreds and thousands of others. Today I will not use uniqueness as an excuse to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, but rather utilize the concept of “We” to create a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Born to be Unique

“Always Remember That You Are Absolutely Unique. Just Like Everyone Else.”