“Those Who Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned to Repeat It.”

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“Those Who Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned to Repeat It.”

– George Santayana

New Way Old Way

Remembering the past is not the same as dwelling in it. When we dwell in the past, it prevents us from experiencing the opportunity we have today. However we can remember the past and use it as a motivator to make new and better choices. As the saying goes: “If I always do what I always did, I’ll always get what I’ve always got.” We can’t use the same thinking and behaviors to get out of a problem that created it. Today, I will remember my past so that I can remind myself of the place I don’t want to return to. I will be open to support to create new pathways in life. Today, I will remind myself that my past doesn’t define who I am today or who I am capable of being.

“Those Who Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned to Repeat It.”